Saturday, July 31, 2010

And the award for worst showers goes to . . .

Toronto-West KOA!

Seriously, the showers frighten me. I was wondering yesterday whether taking a shower would leave me dirtier than I was before. Just ew. Hair, dirt, bugs, clogged drains, just awful.

The other thing about this campground is, they have firepits that, if the campground is full, burn about five feet away from other RVs. That's too close. The sites here are just crammed in. Luckily it hasn't been full, and I'm leaving today for a motel, where I can stash the cats while going to Stratford without worry.

I did enjoy the local harness-racing track. I watched some races, which were interesting, and did a bit of slot machine gambling, where I actually came out ahead. I also had a salad yesterday at the only walkable restaurant (other than the casino); I'm not sure my system knows what to do with healthy food!

The weather has been very nice: sunny but not too warm. It's only about 51 degrees this morning, and I had to use the blanket; the next time I need a blanket will probably be November, if we're lucky. It's been 94 with a heat index of 108 in Panama City; do I really need to go back?


Doc Sandy said...

Today it got up to 102. Without the heat index. Please bring back cold air.

Dr. Lisa said...

I'll try. But don't count on it.