Friday, May 29, 2009

The mood is not good today

May 29--Malta, MT

Today has not been the best day. Nothing dramatically has gone wrong, I don't think, but it seems like nothing really has gone right either.

I was on the road by 8am. I had moved the cat kennel closer to my seat, and found that Nell was meowing and pacing like a lion in the zoo. I stopped to get something to eat and a Pepsi after a few miles, and talked to her a bit. But a bit later, I look back since I hear much struggling and see Nell with her head partly out of the kennel! With visions of her strangling herself, I quickly head over to the side of the road--too quickly, as I wind up spilling my Pepsi all over the floor. I stop, notice that Nell has her head back in the kennel, and try in vain to mop up as much of the Pepsi as I can. Let's just say that the car has been christened. And that I didn't get much value from my large Pepsi this morning. I grab Nell (much less gently than I could have done--I was angry, and I've apologized and have tried to make it up to her--lots of cuddles and treats, and luckily she is forgiving) and stick her in the little carrier, and cover it with my jacket. Puck stays in the kennel, since he is quietly napping (as he usually does). I mop up a little more and then keep driving.

I stop in Stanley (the next big town) to check on the cats (Nell is actually quiet and seems happier--I think the RV moving scares her, but she's just fine when it stops) and drive all over hell's half acre to find a mailbox (I have something I've been meaning to mail since I left). Between the construction and the bumpy roads, the RV is bouncing all over the place, cabinets open and scatter their stuff, and I have to stop to restow. And eventually back on the road.

Where the wind is blowing something fierce. Mostly a head wind, although also to one side or another--a couple of times the RV swerves so violently I think I've blown a tire, but it's just the wind. I keep looking for some place to get food on my side of the road, but I can't find anything.

I get to Glasgow and get gas (and get diesel all over my hands--I've washed them twice and they still smell of gasoline). The roads are uneven and the rig is bouncing all over the place yet again and banging and clanking and I'm worried that I've destroyed the suspension and/or the wheels are going to fall off (so I'm irrational, sue me), and I finally pull into a McDonalds (on the wrong side of the road, of course), get a meal, and manage to get back on the road.

I was going to stop at Sleeping Buffalo Hot springs, and I did pull in, but it really looks skeevy--run down, with no other campers there, and the only cars were at the bar. Besides, it's hot, so I keep going. There's supposed to be a nice place in Malta.

I get to Malta, and manage to pull into and check into (yep) the wrong RV place. This place is small and nearly empty, and the site is tilted something fierce, but the electricity is good (for air conditioning, as it's 85 outside), I can get three TV channels (including some from Great Falls and Helena!) and the WiFi is a thing of strength and beauty. So I'm here for the night, and I hope to make it to Lethbridge tomorrow before I have a complete nervous breakdown. I plan to get the rig checked out there, to make sure all is well and hopefully reduce my stress a bit. I also find that I should not drive mutiple days without staying someplace for a couple of nights; once I get into the mountains, I suspect that will be easier. But I do want to see my parents and sister and everybody, so it's one last push tomorrow. Wish me luck! And the cats too, for having to deal with me!


Doc Sandy said...

I'm so sorry you had such a crappy day. Hope tomorrow is easier and Nell stays put (maybe she needs the small carrier and to be covered up like a canary in order to travel well). Buy yourself another Pepsi, because you have 1) earned it and 2) worked off all the extra calories in sheer stress. Have two. Doctor's orders (ha, ha).

Dr. Lisa said...

Yeah, she's going to ride in the small carrier, in her cave. I hope that works better. It is funny--as soon as the RV stops and I let her out, it's as if nothing has happened, and she's not afraid at all. It's just the moving or the vibrations or whatever that does it.

I'll get a Pepsi tomorrow, probably.

Doc Sandy said...

I hope that works--maybe she gets car sick? Do cats get motion sickness? Hmm...
I just read Loch by Steve Alten, fairly entertaining and might be of interest to you because of all the marine biology. Lots of Scottish brogue, too.
The few die-hard Psychology Club members and I are probably going to meet a couple of times over this summer to discuss plans for the coming year. I'll keep you posted, should be fun.

Dr. Lisa said...

She hasn't thrown up at all, and cats are not reticent about vomiting. I think she's just disconcerted by the movement, and feels safer in her "cave".

The die-hard Psychology Club people are great--hopefully y'all can do some great stuff next year.

Doc Sandy said...

Yep, she's always liked it under things and all closed in. I remember when you lived on this side of the bridge and I went to feed them that one time, she stayed under the couch pretty much the whole time I was there. BTW, the icon is a self-portrait of my daughter. I'm going to get her to do one of me sometime soon and then I'll replace it. I call it "motivation."